This tool allows you once screwed the insert manually into the threaded hole, to press-fit the locking keys
Keensert installation tool, hand use
How to use:
- Drill with a standard tap drill and countersink with a standard 82° - 100° countersink (90° for Mini Inserts). Drill is oversize, see charts for proper dimensions- Tap new threads with a standard tap. See charts for proper size and depth
- Screw in the insert until it is 0.010-0.030 (0.005-0.015 for Mini Inserts) below the surface. Keys locate the proper depth
- Drive keys down with several hammer taps on the proper installation tool
- For orders from 1'000 Eur or for sizes/materials not listed please request a quote at email
- We are available for the questions about this product by phone, email or chat here on the site